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    • Specifications & Features of JLink V9 Debugger Emulator: -

      • Type C cable Powered and connection to Host Desktop/Laptop
      • Works on SWD protocol for programming and debugging the NXP S32K1xx and NXP S32K3xx Series of MCU's.
      • Configured as Jlink Debugger for Programming/Debugging via S32 Design Studio/FreeMaster/ MBDT/Jlink Software Toolchain
      • 2 Debug Connectors to connect to Host NXP Semiconductors S32K Microcontroller's: 20 Pin JTAG and 10 Pin SWD connector
      • Power configurable to Host NXP S32K MCU between 3.3 V and 5V.
      • Can provide 3.3V or 5V and uptp 1A current for the development board by powering the S32K MCU via ProBug Debugger.
      • Onboard Reset Button to reset the Host NXP S32K MCU via Debugger and also Power/Communication LEDs.
      • Virtual UART COM Port Detection via same Debug connector for logging Realtime data via UART Peripheral.

    • Ceramic Capacitor is a fixed-value capacitor where the ceramic material acts […]


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    • Diode is a two-terminal electronic component that conducts current primarily […]


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    • Light-emitting diode (LED) LEDs are comprised of compound semiconductor materials, […]


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    • Push-button :- Push-button (also spelled pushbutton) or simply button is a […]


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    • Featurtes :-

      1. Tolerance: 1%
      2. Max. Working Voltage: 250V
      3. Temperature Coefficient of Resistance: 50PPM/°C


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    • Resistor 0.50w is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit […]


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    • Electrolytic Capacitor is a polarized capacitor whose anode or positive plate is made […]


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    • IC Base/ IC SOCKETS (integrated circuit sockets) act as static […]


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    • Jumper Wires are simply wires that have connector pins at […]


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    • Transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch […]


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    We Also Provide modules of some sensors like : ldr sensor, infrared sensor, relay module, ultrasonic sensor, smoke sensor